Title: Rust and Necrosis (1/4) Author: lee_bella Pairing: Harry Potter/Sirius Black Genre: Angst Rating: R Warnings: Self-harm. Depression. Harry is fifteen in this chapter; there is a kiss. Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter and its characters are not mine. Summary: At the age of fifteen, Harry has gone a little mad.
Title: Dreams of the Darkest Night Pairing: Severus/Sirius, Azkaban guards Rating: NC-17 Content: Implied violent sexual assault, graphic violence/blood/gore Summary: He tries not to think about that first night during the waking hours, but things have a way of sneaking up on you.
Title: Sirius & Severus Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Explicit sexual content, disturbing themes.Takes place during OoTP Page count: 243 A/N: Many thanks to r_grayjoy who beta'd some of this way back when. This was written/drawn over the course of most of 2011.
Title: Sirius & Severus Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Explicit sexual content, disturbing themes.Takes place during OoTP Page count: 243 A/N: Many thanks to r_grayjoy who beta'd some of this way back when. ( Read more... )
Today's entry is not a traditional fest entry, in that it wasn't written for the fest as per the rules. However, the translation of this story (which is an onerous task) was done specifically for the fest as a gift for the community. Enjoy!
Title: Walking the Monochrome Author: emilywaters76 Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Black (pre-slash), James/Lily. Rating: R Prompt: #107: out of Hogwarts and into a war. You either grow up fast or die. Word count: 24 K Summary: "That’s what being a dog is like - it's like you’re walking the very edge of the world, where almost all colour has run out, and you
( Read more... )